27 C
תל אביב
27 ביולי 2024
The Likudnik in English

Begin Marking Jerusalem’s Day in London

” No matter how much territory successive Israeli governments have offered, the ‘missing peace’ will never materialise because the Arabs still refuse to accept the principle of a Jewish state and the legitimacy of any Jewish connection to Jerusalem“.


This was the central theme of an address by guest speaker Dr Benny Begin MK to an audience of some 500 attendees of the Yom Yerushalayim service at Hendon United Synagogue. Dr Begin is one of the seven ministers in Prime Minister Netanyahu’s inner cabinet, commonly known as the ‘septet’.


In a style reminiscent of his father – late Prime Minister Menachem Begin – Dr Begin’s speech was peppered by references to ‘the PLO’ – with the clear implication that it had never really changed its spots. Begin said that as recently as last August Fatah reaffirmed the PLO charter saying: Armed struggle is a strategy, not a tactic. This struggle will not stop until the Zionist entity is eliminated and Palestine is liberated.”  As far as Jerusalem was concerned, PA officials still deny a Jewish temple even existed there.


In reference to the latest talks and the recent vicissitudes with the Obama administration, Dr Begin said that the security of the Jewish people was paramount. It was “better for Israel to be harshly criticised than elegantly eulogized“.


Organised each year by Likud-Herut UK, this year in association with the Zionist Federation, One Jerusalem, the JNF and Ner Yisrael Community. It was hosted by Hendon United Synagogue whose Rabbi Mordechai Ginsbury spoke fervently of the importance of Jerusalem in Jewish life in his opening welcome. 


The event was graced by the attendance of His Excellency the Ambassador of Israel, Mr Ron Prosor and enriched by the chazanut of Cantor Moshe Haschel who led the service of Hallel and special psalms of Jerusalem.


אתר "ליכודניק" הינו אתר לסיקור פוליטי. האתר עושה את כל המאמצים לאתר זכויות על תמונות וסרטונים. אולם, בהתאם לסעיף 27א' לחוק זכויות היוצרים כל אדם הרואה עצמו נפגע עקב בעלות על זכויות היוצרים של תמונה או סרטון מוזמן לפנות להנהלת האתר

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